Fly&Flow 2025Sprawdź ofertę naszego campa w czerwcu 2025 


Stores around Lo Stagnone

We often receive questions from you about how far it is to the nearest store or where one can shop well. In this post, we will describe this issue. Stores are listed in order from the closest to the spot.

Some of the mentioned stores have siesta, so it's a good idea to check the opening hours on Google Maps. Some shops are closed on Sundays.

In Sicily, gas stations and shops are closed at night, so it's worth being prepared as you probably won't be able to buy anything during the night.

In all the mentioned stores, you can pay with a card.

Cigarettes can only be bought at Tabacchi stores!

Mini Market

Mini market store

The store is very close to the spot, and since it's a "mini market", you'll only find basic products there and prices are a bit higher than in regular stores. Mini Market has several fridges with cold beverages.



Carrefour store

It's a very popular store with a wide range of products and good prices. Next to it is a well-stocked butcher shop. If you don't want to make huge purchases, this is a good choice.



A large supermarket - you'll find everything you need for life here :) For big shopping, we recommend going here because it's even cheaper than at Carrefour and the selection is bigger.



Tags: #stores