Fly&Flow 2025Sprawdź ofertę naszego campa w czerwcu 2025 


About us

The UNHOOKED school is the best place to start your adventure with kitesurfing . We guarantee fast and safe progress, and we will share our love for this amazing sport!!

Szkoła kitesurfingu na Sycylii

Why Lo Stagnone?

We had the opportunity to visit many spots in the world, but Sicilian lagoon stole our hearts so much that we decided to move here. So, why do we recommend you to come here??

Kitesurfing school in Sicily

Why us?

We have no aspirations to create a corporation or a very large school. We want to keep in touch with students, have a good time and share our passion. If you want to learn a new sport and meet cool people at the same time, you’ve come to the right place;)

We organize free transfers from Trapani airport! If you land in Palermo we will also bring you to the place.

We help with accommodation. Go ahead and call or write us.

We teach at every level - no matter if you want to make your first tack, you want to learn basic jumping, or you want to do some more advanced tricks - we will help :)

We train only when the conditions are good (wind blows enough). You only pay for the hours spent, no need to buy packages upfront.

We have this year's gear 2023 - so it will be pleasant and easy to use and the probability of damaging it is very low. We teach on the latest F-One.

Book a lesson now